Veliki Hom Hill is located very close to the Pupnat village. If you are staying in Kneze, you can do the whole walk from there. However, if you are staying in Korcula Town or somewhere further, the best is to take a bus or taxi to Pupnat or to the nearest point on the main road and walk from there. I usually park my car or scooter right on the edge of the main road and walk from there. It will take about one hour to reach the top of the hill. On this walk, on your way up the hill, you will see the green slopes of the Island, Peljesac and Korcula Channel as well as a Lastovo and Mljet further towards the horizon.
Veliki Hom is at an altitude of 442 meters above sea levels. Along the way to the hilltop, you will pass some grassy fields and some old vineyards. You will also see some dry stone build walls and cottages. The complete route passes along the narrow wooded paths and it has no asphalt nor tarmac roads. The path is bordered with local vegetation including some wild herbs and heathers which shrubs make attractive summer flowering. The path itself is not marked so you may get lost a bit, however, it is not easy to get lost if you follow the right directions which are heading towards the southwest.
On the top of the hill, you will arrive at the plateau with a small derelict church of Sv. Ilija. You can sit there (see below photos) and rest while enjoying the lovely views over the southern coast of the Island. There are no cafes, shops, or refreshment points, so take all you need in your daypack. Take plenty of water, especially in the summer. The hat is also essential!
From the various points of this walk, you will see truly amazing views of the surrounding area. This is one of my favorite hikes on the island.
On the above map, you can see the directions to the hill. Use the larger maps for more details. The best one is published by HGSS, the local rescue service, which you can buy in the shops in Korcula Town.
Fields at the bottom of the hill
A path in the field leading near a dry-stone-built cottage
Along the walk, there are numerous large rocks on which you can see this sort of flowers. I’m not sure which plant variety is this one. If you have any info, please let me know
At the very beginning of the walk at one stage, you will see these views over Pupnat village. As soon as you turn the corner, the village will be hidden behind the hill. This is the only point from which you can see the village. The crossroad visible in the photo is the one that leads to Bacva Bay.
Further up the hill, you will see the main Island road that leads to Vela Luka and Korcula town
Skoji archipelago and Peljesac viewed from the slopes of the hill
Green and Blue colors
At the top of the hill, you will see these views over Korcula Channel and Lastovo island.
Views over the southern coastline of Korcula island with Susac Island in the background.
Views from the top of the hill over to Mljet island. The small derelict church is on the left.
Small derelict Sveti Ilija Church is situated on the top of the hill
Belltower and the roof of derelict Sveti Ilija Church
Views over Badija and Skoji (photo taken with a telephoto lens)