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Advice on trekking to Pupnatska Luka, Bacva, Orlandusa beach

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  • Georgi

    Hello,Congratulations on maintaining this comprehensive database on the beautiful island of Korcula.I have booked a 10-day holiday there this coming June and I can’t wait for the next 5 months to roll by. That I am starting to seek advice on this destination that far ahead is only an indication of the sky-high level of my anticipation for this trip :-)I made my booking several months ago and have since been trying unsuccessfully to find information online – in either English or Croatian (which I understand but speak at an intermediate level at best) – on the following topics:1) I will be staying in Korcula town, no car. My budget rules out hiring a scooter or bike (plus, I hate biking) so I would like to kindly inquire of you can tell me how long would it take (give or take) to get to Pupnatska Luka on foot from Pupnat Is it at all reasonable to attempt this on foot I do not mind having to walk up to an hour – give or take – to get there.2) Bacva bay: looking at Google Maps, it seems this beach would be even more difficult to reach on foot than Pupnatska Luka Any suggestions what should be my starting point Is there a path connecting the two 3) Orlandusa, Pavja: looking at Google Maps, seems like the starting point should be Postrana. Is there a bus that goes through that village How long would it take from there to either bay (give or take) Thank you so much in advance.Georgi

    Vicko Plokata

    Georgi, it will be more than one hour walk to Pupnatska Luka or Bacva as well as other bays at Defora. Yes, there is a bus that runs from Korcula town to Postrana from where you can walk to the bays (again, more than one hr walk – approx 2 hrs i would say…


    hm, that is discouraging to hear….still, thanks for the warning 🙂

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