Since 1989, the sea quality of Croatian beaches are monitored by relevant Government agency adequately sampling and analysing samples of sea water around the Adriatic Coast.
Quite a few beaches and swimming spots of around Korcula are included in this regular analysis.
The results of a recent analysis in tables shown below are excellent, except for areas around Tatinja Beach in Lumbarda and Loviste at Peljesac , which are both below the top quality, but still suitable for swimming. Check here latest sea quality details
Korcula Beaches:
Lumbarda Beaches:
Orebic Beaches
Translation of terms used in above tables:
Plaza = Beach, Datum = Date, Kakvoca Mora= Quality of Sea ,
More visoke kakvoce = High Quality Sea; More podobno za kupanje = Sea suitable for swimming; Umjereno onecisceno more = Sea Moderately Polluted; Jace onecisceno more = Polluted Sea.
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