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The Quality of Sea at Korcula Beaches

Since 1989, the sea quality of Croatian beaches are monitored by relevant Government agency adequately sampling and analysing samples of sea water around the Adriatic Coast.

Quite a few beaches and swimming spots of around Korcula are included in this regular analysis.

The results of a recent analysis in tables shown below are excellent, except for areas around Tatinja Beach in Lumbarda and Loviste at Peljesac , which are both below the top quality, but still suitable for swimming. Check here latest sea quality details

Korcula Beaches:


Lumbarda Beaches:


Orebic Beaches


Translation of terms used in above tables:

Plaza = Beach, Datum = Date, Kakvoca Mora= Quality of Sea ,

More visoke kakvoce = High Quality Sea; More podobno za kupanje = Sea suitable for swimming; Umjereno onecisceno more = Sea Moderately Polluted;  Jace onecisceno more = Polluted Sea.

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