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Art Gallery Siva Zona / gray) (area


About Art Gallery Siva Zona / gray) (area

gray) (area is an low-key independent non-profit non-institution that operates during lazy summer time within gray area of friendships and vacations and cultural funding / production / distribution. gray) (area presents works of contemporary and media art with focus on ones that fills the gap between those two art-worlds and discourses. preferable are programs that shifts the media and skipping the frame of simple definitions and interpretations.

gray) (area operates form the Korcula Town at Korcula island in Croatia, enjoying the free position of the cultural periphery and challenge of no context of neither contemporary nor media art within the close neighborhood. Periphery provides freedom of established cultural power-games, predictable fashionable key-words and double criteria [that depend on geo-political position of the art-producer] and other positions of predictable artist reputation’s building system of cultural industry, and become present even within the small media art culture circles.

gray) (area is protocol between a white cube and a black box.
gray) (area like it small and good and take-it-easy and don’t wont to grow.
gray) (area is sensing creative economy of 21st Century in error.
gray) (area is hub of gray economy.
gray) (area is dead-end backbone of social not.work of contemporary cultural politics.
gray) (area is operating system of no.work.
gray) (area prefers diving in a crystal blue sea than silicon one.
gray) (area prefers periphery than center.
gray) (area like speaking Bad english.


Siva Zona gray) (area Exhibitions:

  • see all articles about Siva Zona (gray area) exhibitions
  • Davor Sanvincenti: 1 0 0 1 revisited – physical audio-visual installation – 1 0 0 1 revisited is a study for trans-sensory organisms – activation of humans senses through defined audiovisual wave frequencies
  • Video projection: Hrvoje Hirsl – Reversible (Le temps detruit tout) – The cult film Irreversible of Gaspar Noé, is reedited and played backward in order to correct his originally twisted chronology and return it to the linear flow of time.
  • Exhibitions: Rino Efendic – PRAXITEN @ Korcula + group exhibition Trans Adriatic Grey Area @ Pescara, Italy
  • Tanja Deman: Abode of Vacancy – Abode of Vacancy is a video work composed of a series of collaged tableau with subtle movements.
  • Tvrtko Juric: Daniil Harms – Program se sastoji od tri jednominutna filma prema pricama Danila Harmsa iz knjige Sasvim obicne besmislice’.
  • Concretely Immaterial – Exhibitions in Korcula and Scotland
  • Projections: Temporary (Internet) Files 2
  • Mihovil Pansini: Zahod i Kako prostor pamti? – predstavlja radove klasika avangardnog filma Mihovila Pansinija po prvi puta u njegovom rodnom gradu, Korculi.
  • Projections: Korcula Fragments – KORCULA FRAGMENTS, Location: Korcula, Square in front of St.Peter’s church, Sound Installations Walls, speak out!
  • Exhibition: Elixir III by Marina Zurkow – grey) (area , 11 – 27 . 8.2010, Guest curator Sarah Cook (UK / Canada). Marina Zurkow (USA): Elixir III (from the Elixir Series 2007-2009), single channel animation – Elixir III is one of a series of four single channel animations by Marina Zurkow
  • Exhibition by Dalibor Martinis in Korcula – Video by Dalibor Martinis: TV news 04. 09. 1974 at siva zona from 19.7 to 7.8.2010 – Dalibor Martinis does not want to introduce a subjective interpretation of the past, and he calls it Data Recovery’.
  • Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina Domnitch – Sonolevitation – Gelfand and Domnitch investigate wave phenomena to uncover the ephemeral workings of perception. They create performances and installationsthat exist solely as sensorial phenomena in constant flux.
  • Ivan Marusic Klif in Korcula – grey) (area – space of contemporary and media art, Korcula, Ivan Marusic Klif: Synchronicity 24. 8. to 31 . 8. 2009, Opening: Monday 24th August . 21 to 23 h, open daily 21 to 22 h , free entrance
  • Video installation by Samuel Cepeda in Korcula – Samuel Cepeda: The Clouds have no nation at grey) (area – space of contemporary and media art, Korcula: 4 – 14 . 8. 2009. Opening: Tuesday 4th August . 21 – 23 h. free entrance
  • Video clip: Clouds have no nation – gray )( area gallery in Korcula – video clip , uploaded in November 2009 of last summer’s exhibition by Samuel Cepeda in Siva Zona (Gray Area) art gallery in Korcula.
  • Video Installation by Toni Mestrovic: Abyssos 6 grey) (area – space of contemporary and media art, Korcula presents : Toni Mestrovic: Abyssos 6 / from 17 to 28 . 07.2009 ; Opening: Friday 17th July – 21 – 23 h / free entrance
  • Petar Grimani exhibits in Korcula – Petar Grimani: XXXXXXXX at siva) (zona – gallery, Korcula
  • Lumbarda: Flowers of Alhambra by Lemeh 42 – grey) (area – space of contemporary and media art, Korcula and 3 Volta Gallery, Lumbarda presents: Lemeh 42 (Italy): Flowers of Alhambra
  • Beggar 2.0 by Saso Sedlacek – Exhibition – Beggar 2.0 by Saso Sedlacek: 12/08 – 26/08/08 – Korcula West Pier @ Korcula Tourist Board
    This year as curators the KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis presenting Beggar 2.0 – a robot for the materially deprived by Slovene artist Saso Sedlacek.The Beggar robot is above all the messenger of the news that too much ..
  • Edita Pecotic: Moreska – Video Moreska’ by Edita Pecotic at Siva Zona in Korcula: every evening from 4th to 9th of July 2008. See some photos from the opening evening + clip from Edita Pecotic Moreska’ video

Participants in gray) (area program: Lemeh 42 (Italy) . Petar Grimani (Croatia). Ivan Marusic Klif (Croatia) . Toni Mestrovic (Croatia) . Samuel Cepeda (Mexico) . Nina Czegledy (Canada) and Marcus Neustetter (South Africa), Veaceslav Ahunov, (Uzbekistan), Abilsait Atabekov (Kazahstan), Dunja Blazevic, Boris Cvjetanovic (Zagreb), Gem Sqash (Adam Hyde and Ntsikelelo Ntshingila), Petar Grimani (Croatia), Ulan Djaparov (Kazahstan), Ivan Faktor (Osijek), Kontejner (Zagreb), Lemeh 42 (Italy), Faruk Loncarevic (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Alban Muja (Kosova), Edita Pecotic (Korcula / London), Ana Peraica (Split), PRO.BA (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Radioqalia (Adam Hyde and Honnor Hager, New Zealand), Lala Rascic (Sarajevo – Zagreb), Stefan Rusu (Moldavia / Romania), Tomo Savic-Gecan (Zagreb – Amsterdam), Slaven Tolj (Dubrovnik), Transfer (Zagreb), Goran Trbuljak (Zagreb), Alexandr Ugay (Kazahstan), Drazen Vitolovic (Sovinjak / Rijeka) i Enes Zlatar (Bosnia and Hercegovina).

Some photos from Siva Zona – Gray Area Exhibitions:

gray) (area is located 10 meters by the sea in the basement of The Memorial Collection of Maksimilijan Vanka [http://info.hazu.hr/memorijalna_zbirka_maksimilijana_vanke/] . Put sv. Nikole 7 . Korcula – open daily 21 – 22 h or by appointment contact: Darko Fritz darkofritz.net / tel + 385 [0] 91.5800193