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Sinking boat, sinking feeling in the waters of the Adriatic

A really good article, written by visitor to Hvar Island about his account of an ill-fated boat trip, has won this week’s Telegraph‘s travel writing competition. Here is an excerpt:

“Clueless about boats, uneducated about engines and ignorant about winds and tides, we attempted to drift our way to a secluded beach on the islands…. Beach hopping had been the original plan. However, as the land remained a distant prospect, we decided to settle for any place where we could dock and make a phone call..”

After reading the article, all I can say is they are lucky to be alive. I also hope this article is warning to any adventurous types who decide, while on holidays in Korcula, to go for boat trip on their own. My advice is: do not do it, use local taxi boats instead. And if you HAVE to do it ( ) make sure you always stay close to the shores, within archipelago, and don’t go to the open sea.

Click here or on above image to read the whole article.

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