How to get from Mostar to Korcula island is a question that is often asked by people who would like to visit Bosnia & Herzegovina as well as Korcula.
Mostar is about 150 km away from Korcula town, and it takes about 3.5 hrs to reach it by car. For public transport options see below:
If you travel in high season (July and August) the easiest option is to take a direct bus that goes from Mostar to Korcula. This bus starts its journey in Sarajevo at 11 am arriving in Korcula at 18:30. On its way it stops in Mostar, picking up travellers to Korcula at 14:00 (2 pm). The total journey from Mostar to Korcula is 4:30 hrs.
However, if you travel out of high season, there will be no direct buses so you would need to take at least two buses or ferries to reach Korcula:
For your return journey use the same bus and/or ferry routes.
Above photo: the screenshot of the low season bus timetable from Mostar to Ston. This is the bus you can get daily while in high season there are 3 and more buses running on this route. Book this bus on centrotrans site
Above photo: the screenshot of the low season bus timetable from Ston to Mostar. This is the bus you can get daily if you take Korcula to Ston morning bus that departs at 6:45.
All buses and ferries are running daily and they are reliable and comfortable means of transport. These journeys are great ways of travelling as buses and ferries are comfortable and air-conditioned, and there are some nice views of the coastline and islands.
See also the following relevant info for journeys to Korcula: