14 – 28 . 7 . 2017
part of the exhibition-in-progress Critical Tourism
curator: Darko Fritz
opening Friday 14th July . 21 – 23 h
artist talk 17th July . 20 h
The exhibition Critical Tourism (1) presents the documentation of the works through which Kuluncic tackles problems of tourism on the Adriatic sea: inappropriate waste disposal, layers of everyday life which are invisible to tourists, myths that serve to increase the value of products, and the commercialisation of history.
Commercialisation of History
Korcula statute from 1214, the oldest legal document of the South Slavs, was the inspiration for the artistic action. For five days the artist sold souvenirs on the island of Korcula. The souvenirs themselves were made by applying articles from the old Korcula statute onto cheap items from China; translated to English, Croatian, Czech, French and German. The artist’s stand was set among the existing city stands at the entrance to the old town of Korcula. Instead of money, the cost of the souvenirs was expressed by a number of questions that potential buyers needed to answer. That is, potential buyers gave interviews to the artist in exchange for a souvenir, answering questions about the commercialization of history, the good and bad sides of (mass) tourism, and about respect for the city of Korcula and its past and present communities. Video documentation of the conversation with the buyers, that was recorded within the work Commercialization of History, will be exhibited for the first time during this exhibition. More about the project here.
Sun’s Income
In the base of the work is the main idea of the festival “Jobs with the Sun” which suggests a business partnership, reciprocity and mutual benefit of participants. Andreja Kuluncic looks at it in terms of economic and market operations in which the sun turns out to be a partner. The geographical location and warm climate are the benefits on which Croatia is building its prosperity. There are a lot of stories of the typical Mediterranean products grown under a special break of sunlight bended back from the reflecting surface of the sea which create myths about their unique qualities that, of course, raise the market price of the products. In such stock ownership, the Sun is an important partner, but without recognition of the profit-sharing. In the action “Sun’s Income”, Andreja Kuluncic corrects the deficient calculations. Kuluncic elaborates a calculation which expresses the solar profit, humorously pointing out the absurdity of the situation in which we “exploit” the sun alternating the real position of power. Products – lavender from Hvar, wine from Peljesac, olive oil from Brac and dried figs from Sibenik – the artist sells herself on the open market at the actual prices of products, separating the percentage that belongs to the Sun. In a conversation with a customer she opens a topic about “jobs” with the Sun.
Enjoy the Beach
The artist handed out trash bags with inscription in several different languages to the foreign tourists who stopped at the toll-houses stops. This artistic action addresses issues of ecology and tourism in a country that was ravaged by then recent military conflicts in the region, and also by the economic problems in the period of transition from the state economy to one dictated by the market. It was a “pilot project,” proposal for the next tourist season, which was refused by the authorities.
City Walks
Kuluncic presented the invisible picture of the city by recording different voices of Zadar inhabitants in a form of a stereotype – a tourist guide, which usually contains cultural and historical information. While walking the streets, Andreja made several interviews with ordinary people, inhabitants of different professions, age, views, interests and attitudes. They spoke about everyday life in Zadar, which remains hidden to tourist nomads. The two-language guide is designed as a folding leaflet with a map and marked interview points. The action of handing out the guide to tourists took place on the city streets and also in tourist information offices, where the guide was placed among other guides.
Andreja Kuluncic is visual artist born in 1968. She studied sculpture, graduating in 1992 from the Faculty of Applied Arts and Design in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia. From 1992 to 1994 studied at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest. She lives in Croatia, where she teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Department of New Media.
Her work has been presented at international exhibitions, including: Documenta 11 (Kassel), Manifesta 4 (Frankfurt/Main), 8. Istanbul Biennial (Istanbul), Liverpool Biennial04 (Liverpool), 3. Tirana biennial (Tirana), 10. Triennial-India (New Delhi) among others.
At collective shows in museums, including: Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), PS1 (New York), Walker Art Centre (Minneapolis), Museum MUAC (Mexico City), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Garage Museum (Moskva), Kumu Art Museum (Tallin), Museum of Contemporary Art (Zagreb), Museum of Contemporary Art (Ljubljana), Zacheta National Gallery of Art (Warshaw), Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Rijeka), Lentos kunstmuseum (Linz), Museum of Modern Art (Saint-Etienne), Ludwig Museum (Budapest).
At solo shows, including: Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (Mexico City), Museo MADRE (Napoli), Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art (Belgrade), Art in General (New York), Artspace Visual Art Canter (Sydney),The Art Center Silkeborg Bad (Denmark), Darat Al Funun (Jordan), Gallery NOVA, Gallery Miroslav Kraljevic and Gallery Forum (Zagreb).
Andreja Kuluncic: Commericialisation of the History, Korcula, 2010
Kriticki turizam (1): Andreja Kuluncic
14. 07. 2017. – 28. 07. 2017.
otvorenje u petak, 14. 7. u 21 h
predavanje: 17. 7. u 20 h
dio izlozbe u nastajanju Kriticki turizam
kustos: Darko Fritz
Siva zona otvara ovogodisnju ljetnu sezonu u novom galerijskom prostoru (Kovacki prolaz 2, Korcula) sa prvom u nizu izlozbi pod nazivom Kriticki turizam, koje ce ostvariti kroz nekoliko godina. Izlozba predstavlja dokumentaciju radova sa kojima Andreja Kuluncic tematizira probleme turizma na Jadranu: neadekvatno odlaganje smeca, turistima nevidljivi slojevi svakodnevice, „mitovi kojima se podize cijena proizvodima, i komercijalizacija povijesti. Autorica ce odrzati predavanje o svom radu u prostoru galerije 17. 7. u 20 h. Izlozba je otvorena do 28. 7., a moze se razgledati svakodnevno od 21 do 22 sata.
Andreja Kuluncic u svojim radovima propituje razlicite aspekte drustvenih odnosa i drustvene prakse, zanimajuci se za drustveno angazirane teme, suocavanje s razlicitim publikama i suradnju na kolektivnim projektima. Uspostavlja vlastite interdisciplinarne mreze, dozivljavajuci umjetnicki rad kao istrazivanje, proces suradnje, sukreiranja i samoorganizacije. Cesto zahtijeva od publike aktivnu suradnju i “dovrsavanje” djela. Dio procesa u nastajanju rada cesto je multidisciplinarnost, u kojoj se specificne umjetnicke vjestine nadopunjuju komplementarnim vjestinama iz drugih podrucja.
„Komercijalizacija povijesti
Korculanski statut (1214.) inspiracija je za umjetnicku akciju koju je Siva zona predstavila 2010. u Korculi. Umjetnica je prodavala suvenire koji su napravljeni apliciranjem clanaka iz statuta na jeftine predmete iz Kine. Stand je postavljen među postojece standove na ulazu u stari grad. Cijena suvenira umjesto u novcu izrazena je u broju pitanja na koje kupac treba odgovoriti, odnosno, u vremenu provedenom u razmisljanju o komercijalizaciji povijesti, dobrim i losim stranama turizma i odnosu Korculana prema svome gradu nekada i sada. Video dokumentacija razgovora sa kupcima ce biti prvi puta izlozena u sklopu ove izlozbe. Vise o projektu ovdje.
„Utrzak Sunca
Autorica sagledava teme poslovanja, partnerskog odnosa, uzajamnosit i međusobne koristi sudionika u terminima privredno-trzisnog poslovanja u kojemu se Sunce ispostavlja kao jedan od partnera, no bez priznavanja pri podjeli dobiti. Autorica izrađuje kalkulaciju u kojoj izrazava i Suncev profit, ukazujuci na apsurdnost situacije u kojoj koristimo Sunce izmjenjujuci stvarnu poziciju moci. Proizvode iz Dalmacije – lavandu, maslinovo ulje i suhe smokve – prodaje na trznici, odvajajuci postotak koji pripada Suncu.
“Uzivajte na plazi”
Rad je izveden na naplatnim kucicama auto puta Zagreb-Rijeka. Turistima su dijeljeni paketici vrecica za smece s etiketom “Enjoy the Beach”, na kojoj je fotografija plaze s ostavljenim smecem; slikovni prikaz cetiriju faza postupaka odlaganja smeca; kratki tekstualni opis na sest jezika. Rad je zamisljen kao pilot projekt za ljetnu turisticku sezonu, ali nije prihvacen od strane Hrvatske turisticke zajednice.
“Setnja gradom”
Nevidljivu sliku grada Kuluncic je ponudila prenosenjem razlicitih glasova stanovnika Zadra u formi turistickog vodica. Razliciti stanovnici govore o zadarskoj svakodnevici koja turistima ostaje skrivena. Dvojezicni vodic sadrzi mapu i “tocke” razgovora. Dijeljenje vodica provedeno je na ulicama, kao i postavljenjem u turisticki ured grada.
Andreja Kuluncic, vizualna umjetnica, sudjelovala je na znacajnim međunarodnim izlozbama poput: documenta11 (Kassel), Manifesta4 (Frankfurt/Main), 8.Istanbul Biennial (Istanbul), Liverpool Biennial04 (Liverpool), 3.Tirana biennial (Tirana), 10.Triennial-India (New Delhi).
Na skupnim izlozbama u muzejima: Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), PS1 (New York), Walker Art Centre (Minneapolis), Museum MUAC (Mexico City), Palais de Tokyo (Pariz), Kumu Art Museum (Tallin), Muzej suvremene umjetnosti (Zagreb), Muzej suvremene umjetnosti (Ljubljana), Zacheta National Gallery of Art (Varsava), Garage Museum (Moskva), Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti (Rijeka), Museum of Modern Art (Saint-Etienne), Ludwig Museum (Budimpesta).
Na samostalnim izlozbama, ukljucujuci: Museum MUAC (Mexico City), Salon Muzeja savremene umetnosti Beograd, Museo MADRE (Napulj), Art in General (New York), Artspace Visual Art Canter (Sydney), Darat Al Funun (Jordan), galerija NOVA, galerija Miroslav Kraljevic (Zagreb), i drugdje. Znacajnije stipendije: MUAC&SOMA (Mexico City), University of Johannesburg (Juzna Afrika), Art in General (New York), Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Artspace (Sydney), u sklopu 10. trijenala Indije (Jaipur).
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