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Abel Brcic – Painter from Korcula

Abel Brcic completes beauty of the scenery with cheerfulness. With his measure of painter’s skill and stylization he gives a special charm to the ancient views of Dalmatian cities of Korcula and Dubrovnik and also to the picturesque structures near the sea. By cheerful geometry of the displaced angles Brcic causes great mirth of the level surfaces composing the volumes on the clean surfaces by the clear silhouettes and constructing the each scene by the clear lines. The rules of consistent, linear rhythm don’t relate to the architecture only, but also to the plants, mounds, sky and sea. Every part of the picture is painted by an identical matter intensified by dynamic values of colors. The details on the picture and the whole impression of it represent the picture of the South ( experience and memory ) where the light and colors play the main roles. Brcic takes possession of the charming views and congruently to them he creates the unique structures such as round crowns of the trees, trapezoidal roofs, sterns…They all follow the way from real to imaginary.

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Actually, Brcic’s pictures rely on reality but the emphasizes and moving away from classical perspectives with relativity of plans give a new dimension to something that is already known, almost fabulous, because, by Brcic’s pictures we enter the space of wonder of arrested time in the moments of beauty brilliance through the lines of magnetic force of colors. The congested structures, the trees in brightness of the blue sea and sky are the echo of life.

Every picture is a break in pulsing of dithyramb. It is a frame for the plays of figures that surpasses the facades of the stony buildings in its meaning and becomes the sign of duration as well as the cypresses in its verticality.


In another way Brcic shows the great familiarity with the landscape of the South by illusion of painter’s unpretentiousness. The interpretation of the given motives goes from the simple ones to the compound compositions with expressive and fragile forms with lots of fragments and details. They can be seen in precise geometrical forms and figures. Strictness doesn’t’t break painting vitality, but it becomes the measure of order in the scenes of painting imagination. Relatively the firm co-ordinate system of organization brings Brcic’s pictures closer to ornamental and balanced works. The sea becomes a field with the clear blue separations of the deeps. And the silhouettes of defined limits in its motions catch hold of the whole picture. In his reduction until a single sign Brcic produces the similar charge by the flare concentrated in applicable palette. Colors without any dark tones, colors to which the light is symbolically given. Brcic insists on pleasantness in a beautifully view through an open window or in a still life. In the pictures of lyrical tones, by a special painter’s weaving, dynamic and harmonious interfering of forms where in different variations on the same theme, the trace of poetics is always maintained as in the painter’s dialogue with the structures as in the touch of the seaside, plants and sky.
With subtlety of experience and performance ( and no doubt with a skilful hand ) Brcic transmits roughness into pleasantness recognized in the delicate lines.

Abel Brcic enriches Croatian contemporary landscape (in the widest sense of that idea) by the works of plastic art in its humor, looking for and succeeding in connecting what is monumental and what is common in architecture, synthesizing a representative look of a church tower and a simple magnificence of the traditional Dalmatian houses. With an immediate expression of joy in creation and with his abilities and love he makes equal the presented motives and an idea of beauty. (text : Stanko Spoljaric)

Above photo: Art Atelier Abel


Abel Brcic, born in 1956. in Zrnovo on the island of Korcula. He graduated in 1978.although he has been painting since 1974. He works as an Art teacher with children in Korcula. Since 1986 he has been a member of German Art Association _Bund fuer freie angewandte Kunst_ in Darmstadt. He had his first own exhibition in 1980.in Korcula and since then his works have been exhibited at many regional exhibitions. He shows us the landscapes of the island of Korcula, the marinas bays and fields. Oils, pastels and watercolors are various forms of his artistic expression. His pictures are in the private collections all around the world.

Abel Brcic u ljepotu prizora upisuje vedrinu. Svojom mjerom slikarske preobrazbe vedutama starih dalmatinskih gradova Korcule, Dubrovnika i pitorsknim zdanjima u blizini mora daje poseban sarm, kako stupnjem koloristicke otvorenosti tako i provedenom stilizacijom. ‘Veselom geometrijom’ pomaknutih kuteva Brcic razigrava plohe skladajuci volumene cistim povrsinama citke silhute, gradeci svaku scenu jasnim rasterom crtovlja. Pravila dosljednog linearnog ritma ne vrijede samo za arhitekturu vec i za raslinje, brdasce, trag neba i mora. Svaki segment na slici zahvacen je identicnom stvarnoscu intenziviranom dinamicnim vrijednostima boje.

Detalji i ukupnost dojma podrzavaju sliku o jugu (dozivljaja i sijecanja) koje su dominante svjetlo i boja. Brcic je posvojio drage prizore, prepoznajuci u njima blijesak kromatskih raspona, sukladno kojima oblikovanost gradivih jedinki, poput krusne kropnje stabla, trapezne forme krova, prove camca, prati put od realnog ka izmastanom. Razumljivo Brciceva uprizorenja imaju potku stvarnog, no akcenti, rakursi, odmak od klasicnih perspektiva s relativiziranjem planova, daju znanom novu dimenziju. Gotovo bajkovitosti, jer Brcicevom slikom usli smo u prostore zacudnosti. Zaustavljenog vremena u tenucima blistanja ljepote kroz silnice boje. U kojem zbijena zdanja, drvece u sjaju plavetnila mora i neba jeka su zivota. Svaka slika je zastanak u pulsiranju ditiramskog. Ambijentalno je okvir za igru oblika koji nadilaze doslovnost fasade kamenih zdanja u svom znacenju, vec oznaka su trajanja, isto kao cempresi u svom vertikalitetu. Drugim rijecima Brcic je prividno slikarskom nepretencioznopcu izrazio duboko razumijevanje krajolika juga. Interpretacija odabranih motiva krece se od jednostavnijeih do slozenijeih kompozicija, s izrazenom lomnoscu forme, s mnostvom fragmenata dovedenih do sitnih partikula, vidljivih i u preciznim geometrijskim likovima, i oblicima manje egzaktnosti obrisa. Strogost nije narusila slikarski vitalitet, vec je postala mjera reda u scenama sadrzajne i likovne mastovitosti. Relativno cvrsti kordinatni sistem organizacije priblizio je Brciceva djela ornamentalnom,uravnotezenoj preglednosti, koje su sastavnice plohe boje. Njima i more postaje polje, s jasnim razdjelnicama dubine plavog. A sjene definiranih granica zahvacaju u svom kretanju svu predmetnost slike. Brcic i u reduciranosti do znaka ostvaruje slican naboj opredmecenim svijetom, koncentriranom u primjerenoj paleti. Boje bez muklijih tonova, boji kojoj je svijetlo i simbolicna datost. U isijecku lijepote koji moze biti i mrtva priroda, pogled iz interijera kroz prozor, Brcic inzistira na ugodjajnosti. U djelima lirske konotacije svojevrsnim slikarskim tkanjima, dinamicnom i skladnom prepletu oblika gdje u varijacijama na temu treptaj poetskog je uvijek sacuvan kao u dijalogu umjetnika s predlopkom, tako i dodirom tla (obale) i mora, drveca i neba.

Brcic suptilnoscu dozivljaja i izvedbe (s neporecivom vjestinom ruke) i oporost prenosi do lakoce, neslucene u tanahtnosti linija. U svakom slucaju Abel Brcic je obogatio suvremeni hrvatski pejzazizam (u svoj sirini tog pojma) redovima likovne ‘humornosti’ tezeci i uspjevajuci povezati u arhitekturi spomenicko i pucko, sintetizirajuci reprezentativni izgled crkvenog tornja i jednostavnu velicajnost ‘zaboravljene’ kucice. Neposrednoscu iskaza u radosti stvaranja talentom i ljubavlju odabrane motive izjednacio je sa samim pojmom lijepote. (text : Stanko Spoljaric)


Abel Brcic, rodjen je 1956. god. u Zrnovu. Slikarstvom se bavi od 1974.god. Diplomirao je na Pedagoskoj akademiji u Splitu 1978 god. u klasi prof. Ante Kaptelancica. Radi kao likovni pedagog u osnovnij skoli u Korculi . Od 1986.god. Clan je njemackog udruæenja ‘Savez za slobodnu umjetnost’ (Bund fuer freie angewandte Kunst) u Darmstadtu. Prvu samostalnu izlozbu imao je u Korculi 1980.god i od tada do danas aktivno izlaze na mnogim samostalnim i skupnim izloæbama.
Prikazuje otocke krajolike, marine, dalmatinski pejzaze.Tehnike kojima se sluzi su ulje, akvarel i akril.
Radovi mu se nalaze u privatnim zbirkama sirom svijeta. Zivi i radi u Korculi.

Adresa: Abel Brcic, Medvinjak 516, 20260 Korcula-HRVATSKATel. 020 715 455
Gsm.0915286825 e-mail:abel.brcic@du.htnet.hr

-Korcula, 1980, 1983, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
-Boulogne sur Mer/Francuska, 1982.
-Epier/Francuska, 1982.
-Witten/Njemacka, 1985
-Padeborn/ Njemacka, 1985
-Herne/ Njemacka, 1985
-Una/ Njemacka, 1985
-Dubrovnik, 2003.SKUPNE IZLOZBE
-Ploce, 1995, 1996
-Dubrovnik, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.
-Korcula, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.
-Zagreb, 1997
-Darmstadt/Njemacka, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989,1990, 1991, 1992.
-Langen/Njemacka, 1986, 1989.
-Dietzenbach/Njemacka, 1987.
-Muehlheim a.m/Njemacka, 1987.
-Rüsselshein/Njemacka, 1989,1995, 1996.