From the coming summer, visitors of Ston at Peljesac Peninsula will be offered to take a tour of the 5.5 kilometres long Ston Town Walls that have been under renovation for the past couple of years.
The renovation was initiated by the Association for the preservation of the Dubrovnik Historical Heritage, and mainly financed by Dubrovnik City Walls ticket sales.
The Ston Town Walls, fortified by around 40 towers and five citadels, spreading along the entire length of the peninsula, were built by the Dubrovnik Republic between 1333 and 1506, by which two small towns – Ston and Mali Ston were established at the southern and north tip of the walls.
The announcement of the tours of the entire walls has already stirred great interest among tourists, and many international tour-operators and tourist agencies are expected to include this attraction in their programs.
For a tour of the walls the entrance fee will be charged , so that future maintenance of this monument can be financed.
Click here to see loads of photos of Ston Walls at Flickr
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